In collaboration with Matas and Tealium, we are in the process of implementing Tealium. From the beginning, we made an active choice to front-load the technical complexity.
Here are 3 arguments for why we chose this approach:
- Faster Scalability: Addressing what we know will be difficult at the beginning of an implementation ensures that the fundamental infrastructure and architecture of the CDP are designed to scale efficiently. By establishing a solid technical foundation early, we can accommodate future growth and expansion without needing to redesign and implement later. This approach saves time and resources in the long run.
- Risk Mitigation: Addressing high technical complexity early in the project allows us to identify potential risks and challenges early on. By dealing with the complexity early, the likelihood of encountering major obstacles later in the implementation is reduced, minimizing the risk of delays.
- Resource Optimization: Handling high technical complexity at the beginning allows us to allocate resources more effectively throughout the project. By dedicating the necessary time and expertise at the start, we prevent bottlenecks later and ensure that the team is well-equipped to continuously manage the implementation of use cases based on the established foundation.
Practically, this means defining and implementing complex use cases instead of keeping it simple. This approach allows for faster scaling once the CDP is established.