We are witnessing an increasing number of practical executions and benefits from the use of AI. At Responsive, we have gained valuable learnings from AI projects that not only provide a one-off enhancement but also offer lasting operational advantages. 

We have summarized our experiences into three key learnings, which you can explore more in our white paper linked below. The case study focuses on streamlining the process of creating marketing emails for one of Denmark's largest brands, Matas.

  1. Long-term focus. Many initiatives have a short-term perspective but working with AI, it is our experience that you need a long-term focus aligned with the company's identified needs and

  2. Implementing AI often requires colleagues and teams to change their working methods. Therefore, like other change initiatives, success hinges on achieving unified buy-in to the vision and fostering close collaboration. This approach can transform the project from merely automating previous manual tasks to enhancing the entire process.

  3. AI requires monitoring and optimization. Therefore, it's essential to maintain focus on the vision, measure results, and adjust after launching the initiative. In the case of Matas, saving over 2,000 hours annually enables the allocation of resources to other tasks, thereby creating even more value.

Read the white paper here.

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By: Erlend Alvsvåg
Senior Consultant