Our services

We are committed to creating tangible, lasting business results. We’re fond of clear goals and objectives. And accountability.

Service description and key problems that challenge the market

A Customer Experience (CX) strategy is the process of defining, planning, and documenting an approach to improve customer experience in a way that contributes to meeting your business goals.

The approach considers all touchpoints along the customer journey to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. It is crucial that the experience that customers get across touch points are tied to business goals. If there is no connection it will have consequences for you as a business, as you end up spending resources on initiatives that don’t have any or little financial impact.

A CX strategy can be composed of several components, such as a Customer Experience Roadmap, Business Process Mapping, and Customer Journey Mapping. By incorporating business process mapping and customer journey mapping into a CX strategy it is possible to identify opportunities for improving the customer experience.

Key activities and deliverables

Our CX Strategy service offering, with a focus on great customer experiences, includes the following:

Business Process Mapping
When working with Business Process Mapping, we do interviews and system assessment, which helps us to understand how the business currently operates and identity areas for improvement.

Customer Journey Mapping
Customer Journey Mapping involves conducting interviews as well and data analysis. By interviewing customers and analysing the data we understand customer experience, which help identify pain points and opportunities for improvement of customer experience.

CX road map with prioritised initiatives 
Once we have defined the opportunities for customer experience improvement, we work out a CX road map with prioritised initiatives. This ensure that the client knows which initiatives are the most impactful and helps guide the implementation of the CX strategy we have worked out.


Outcome and client value

Our CX Strategy service offering is tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Supporting business goals through great Customer Experiences are in our core. When working with Customer Experience Strategy we identify the business potential by mapping customer journeys across physical and digital touchpoints. We map potential new or updated processes that improve Customer Experience and increase internal efficiency. We also make business impact assessment of initiatives and clear prioritisation.


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